This is the documentation for the JWT Personalization Handshake. The steps for setting up the JWT Authentication Handshake are slightly different.

If you don’t have a dashboard, or if you want to keep your dashboard and docs completely separate, you can use your own login flow to send user info to your docs via a JWT in the URL.



Generate a private key

Go to your Mintlify dashboard settings and generate a private key. Store this key somewhere secure where it can be accessed by your backend.


Create a login flow

Create a login flow that does the following:

  • Authenticate the user
  • Create a JWT containing the authenticated user’s info in the User format
  • Sign the JWT with the secret key, using the EdDSA algorithm
  • Create a redirect URL back to your docs, including the JWT as the hash

Configure your Personalization settings

Return to your Mintlify dashboard settings and add the login URL to your Personalization settings.


I want to set up authentication for my docs hosted at I want my docs to be completely separate from my dashboard (or I don’t have a dashboard at all).

To set up authentication with Mintlify, I go to my Mintlify dashboard and generate a JWT secret. I create a web URL that initiates a login flow for my users. At the end of this login flow, once I have verified the identity of the user, I create a JWT containing the user’s custom data according to Mintlify’s specification. I use a JWT library to sign this JWT with my Mintlify secret, create a redirect URL of the form{SIGNED_JWT}, and redirect the user.

I then go to the Mintlify dashboard settings and enter for the Login URL field.

Here’s what the code might look like:

import * as jose from 'jose';
import { Request, Response } from 'express';

const TWO_WEEKS_IN_MS = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 2;

const signingKey = await jose.importPKCS8(process.env.MINTLIFY_PRIVATE_KEY, 'EdDSA');

export async function handleRequest(req: Request, res: Response) {
  const user = {
    expiresAt: Math.floor(( + TWO_WEEKS_IN_MS) / 1000),
    groups: res.locals.user.groups,
    content: {
      firstName: res.locals.user.firstName,
      lastName: res.locals.user.lastName,

  const jwt = await new jose.SignJWT(user)
    .setProtectedHeader({ alg: 'EdDSA' })
    .setExpirationTime('10 s')

  return res.redirect(`${jwt}`);

Preserving Anchors

Post-login, if you’d like to redirect to a specific anchor on the page, you can use the following format to create the redirect URL:{SIGNED_JWT}&anchor={ANCHOR}.


  • Original:
  • Redirect:{SIGNED_JWT}&anchor=step-one